Fall Work Days — Thanks to all our volunteers!

Maddie Kessler and Mary Field take a short weeding break

Maddie Kessler and Mary Field take a short weeding break

If you’ve been keeping an eye on the Wildlife and Respite Garden, you’ll have seen lots of progress.   In September and October, we had a total of 6 work days (four announced, and two ad hoc ones that just happened).  Eight hardy volunteers (Dan Barry, Chris Bushnell, Mary Field, Karen Hinckley, Maddie Kessler, Tessa Lamont, Ellen Reese, and Ellen Briggs) donated a total of 40 hours of their time to finish our log and wood chip path, plant shrubs, weed, and mulch.

Dan Barry mulches with an assist from Whitney and friend

Dan Barry mulches with an assist from Whitney and friend

We had great support from the  folks at L. M. Parks and Recreation and also from Cramer Design Associates (which planted the big hawthorns that were too big for us to manage) and K Squared Landscaping (which brought us the big hawthorns at cost with no delivery charge.)

That finishes up our official garden workdays until spring, though if anyone would like to do some weeding and watering during the remainder of the Fall, just let us know!

Karen Hinckley takes a photo break from mulch spreading

Karen Hinckley takes a photo break from mulch spreading