Lots of news this summer. . .
New Safety Fence! Our biggest news item is the soon-to-be-installed s
afety fence that will run along Old Gulph Road and along the bank of the creek opposite the beach area. This black wire fence should be almost invisible to preserve the natural aesthetics of our park. It is intended to stop dogs who cross the creek in the beach area from running directly out onto Old Gulph Road. (Sorry, we cannot fence the entire park, but we believe the placement of the new fence will provide a significant safety improvement.) Thanks to your generous donations, Friends of West Mill Creek Park will pay for the 100% of the fence. Another big thank you is due to our neighbor, The Courts, the tennis club that owns the property on the other side of the creek. The Courts graciously cooperated in this project by allowing the fence to be placed on their property.
New Sign. If you’ve been to the park recently, you will have noticed our spiffy new “Welcome to West Mill Creek” sign. It has received lots of positive feedback. Thanks Lower Merion Department of Parks & Rec! You may be interested to know that the sign results from a job skills training program in our Montgomery County prison system. The prisoners designed and manufactured the sign and we think it shows that they have a lot of artistic talent and know-how. Great job guys!

Trash can corral made by Paul Lewis, Eagle Scout candidate, for our park
New Trash Can Corrals. Many thanks, once again, to the Boy Scouts for our handsome new trash can corrals. The corrals will keep the cans from tipping over and also provide an aesthetic upgrade. They come to us courtesy of Paul Lewis of Boy Scout Troop 71 (Merion Liberty Troop). Paul worked with Parks Supervisor Dave Deangelis to design, build and install the corrals as his Eagle Scout project. Thanks Paul and Dave!
We Love Your Input. If you have an idea for a future project or event, please let us know. You can either speak to someone on the Steering Committee or send us an email via the Contact Us tab on the website. Our projects have frequently originated from member suggestions, or received a boost up the priority list based on your feedback, so please participate!
Want to Support the Friends of WMC? We hope that you are pleased with all our progress this year. If you would like to support the new safety fence and future projects, it’s not too late to make a donation and become an official 2016 Contributing Member of Friends of West Mill Creek Park. See the “Get Involved!” tab on this website for information.